
Board of Directors

The Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba is led by a Board of Directors made up of a minimum of seven and a maximum of 10 directors, who have a marked interest in the development of high performance sport and whose experience and expertise are both diverse and complementary.

The Board of Directors exists to establish effective, efficient and transparent policies and procedures for the Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba. Generally speaking, the board is responsible for:

  • Establishing CSCM’s mission, strategic objectives, policy, long-term plan and budget.
  • Ensuring CSCM behaves in a fiscally and legally responsible manner.
  • Ensuring CSCM has the funds necessary to achieve its mission.
  • Ensuring CSCM is managed effectively.
  • Ensuring that the Board itself is as effective and efficient as it can be.
  • Following up on its decisions and being accountable for the results.

2023/2024 Board of Directors:

Download the Constitution and Bylaws.

View the most recent Annual Report.