Sport Psychology Resources

Mental Health Continuum

Mental and physical health exist on a continuum from healthy, to hurt, to injured. When you’re healthy, you’re ready to take on the world and challenge yourself to grow. When you’re hurt, you may still be able to participate but you’re definitely not at 100% and you may need some support. When you’re injured, you likely need some focused treatment from a qualified professional before you return to play. Most people experience all three at different points in their lives!

This Mental Health Continuum, adapted from the Canadian Mental Health Association, is intended to help you understand your mental health and the signs to look for in keeping yourself well. It also provides language that will be familiar to athletes and coaches you can use to talk about these things.

Sport Psychology Maps

Psychology includes understanding the relationship between our minds and our bodies. How we think influences how we feel, how we behave, and how our body responds. By paying attention to and understanding these interactions, we can identify when we are struggling and create a plan to look after ourselves.

Psychology Month 2024 – Blog series with Kevin Kristjanson

Athlete Interviews and Sentiments

Additional Resources

COPSIN Advantage Webinar Series

During the time of physical distancing due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Game Plan, the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network (COPSIN) offered free webinars for athletes and coaches to give an opportunity to connect, learn and provide additional support. Replays of these webinars are available.

TED Talks

TedTalk from South African psychologist, Dr. Susan David, about developing resiliency, joy, hope and courage in the face of COVID-19.  It can be especially helpful saying “I am noticing, I am feeling (insert feeling) vs. I am (feeling)”.

i.e. mindfulness exercise to separate noticing temporary emotions versus more permanent states of being


  • Girls & Women in Sport Virtual Series – Week 5, Mental Health