Psychology Month 2024: Week Three

Published On: February 15, 2024

This is the third instalment in CSCM’s Psychology Month blog series with Kevin Kristjanson. If you missed Week Two, you can find it here.

Finding a Psychologist That’s Right For You

Research tells us that the relationship and fit between a person and their therapist are among the main contributors to positive outcomes. But how do you find the person that’s right for you?

Finding a Psychologist

For Manitobans, the Manitoba Psychological Society has a directory of all registered psychologists in the province. This tool can help you find a professional who specializes in your needs. Canadians looking to find a psychologist are encouraged to visit the Psychological Association or Society in their home province or territory, which you can find here.

Sport-Informed Mental Health Care

CSCM athletes in the province of Manitoba have access to mental performance and mental health assistance from our Sport Psychology team. Reach out to our ASM if you would like to connect with the CSCM Psychology team.

All Game Plan eligible athletes and coaches have access to annual funding to put towards mental health care. Learn more about what you can expect when reaching out for support as an athlete and as a coach.

Finding the Right Fit

Some factors you should consider when evaluating fit include:

  • Do you agree on the goals and tasks of therapy? Different styles of therapy place different emphasis on tasks like out-of-session practice and in-session skill building. Make sure you and your therapist agree on what you are there to work on and how you will do so.
  • Is there a relationship of trust, respect, and safety between you and your therapist? Therapy should never be unsafe, but it can sometimes be uncomfortable. Having a therapist who makes you feel understood, cared for, and respected is important.
  • Does this psychologist have training and experience in the areas you would like to work on? Not all psychologists train or specialize in the same areas.
  • Many psychologists accept payment through health insurance providers or offer sliding-scale rates based on income. Find out the fees for service and what you have coverage for. 

Not every psychologist will be a fit for every person. It can take time to establish a relationship, but if after a while it just doesn’t seem to be a fit for you it’s alright to explore other options. Many psychologists are quite happy to provide referrals to other professionals who may be able to help.

What To Expect In Your First Appointment

Your first meeting with a psychologist is all about getting to know you and the reasons you’re looking for support. They will likely ask you questions about your life currently and in the past, including specific mental health symptoms, important relationships, work or school history, physical health concerns, and more. They may also have you fill out forms that can help track progress over time.

Next week: Supporting Loved Ones