Get to Know: Jérémie Chase

Published On: September 25, 2023

It’s been a while since we featured the members of the CSCM team, so we’re sitting down with everyone to ask them a bit about themselves. First up is Jérémie Chase, CSCM Physiologist and Strength & Conditioning Coach.

Where are you from?

Jérémie: I’m from Ile des Chenes, Manitoba.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

Jérémie: I enjoy learning languages and being active, being outside. I like running or walking, cycling as well. And traveling.

Tell us more about your travels? How many continents have you been to?

Jérémie: I like outdoor focused trips, I don’t know if that makes any sense. As for continents, I’ve been to five.

By outdoor focused trips, do you mean you enjoy hiking or bungee jumping?

Jérémie: I’m more hiking than bungee jumping.

Do you have favorite destinations?

Jérémie: My favourite destination is a country where I can practice the language I’m learning.

How many languages do you know or are you learning?

Jérémie: I was born in a francophone family so I’m fully bilingual, French & English. I’m very strong in Spanish and can get by with Portuguese.

Do you have a favourite moment from the past year?

Jérémie: Personally, my wife and I went to Europe. We were in Portugal and Spain, nine days in each. I really liked the Algarve region of Portugal. If you ever look up beaches in Portugal, this is what you’ll get. So like limestone cliffs and such. My wife and I did a kayak tour there as well as a couple hikes. It was really awesome to see.

Now, let’s talk about work. What drew you to working in sport?

Jérémie: I think it was my fieldwork placement that drew me to working in sport because initially I was thinking more of a medical side, either occupational therapy or physiotherapy. And then having been exposed to the sport environment, which doesn’t really happen through your schooling, it just really drew me in.  The level of detail that was needed for an elite sport performance is above training general public, and that’s what got me in and convinced me to just pivot my career options.

What’s the best part of your job?

Jérémie: The variety. I don’t really do the same thing more than a couple of times a week. Different athletes, different sports, different training, different programs.

What are you looking forward to most in the next year?

Jérémie: Paris Olympics and Paralympics.

Thanks, Jérémie! For more about what Jérémie does, check out our Physiology and Strength & Conditioning discipline overviews or his recent resource on Lactate Testing.

Photo Credit: Robyn Chase. Image 1: Jérémie stands atop Ha Ling Peak in Canmore, BC.  Image 2: Jérémie in Lisbon