Ramadan and Sport Nutrition

Ramadan is a holy month during which Muslims fast from both food and liquid, from sun up to sun down. While all Muslims must consider their nutrition and fueling needs during this fasting time, it is incredibly important for Muslim athletes to plan what they will eat and when, especially paying attention to when they might have training sessions or competitions.

webinar replay

The CSCM nutrition team partnered with the Winnipeg Newcomer Sport Academy to offer a webinar on Ramadan and Sport Nutrition on March 12, 2024. A replay is available here:

CSCM also offers a pdf resource on Ramadan and Sport Nutrition, highlighting a few of the topics that were covered in the webinar.

Click here for the pdf

CSCM encourages all Muslim athletes who will be fasting during Ramadan to reach out to their Sport Dietitian if you would like to discuss your meal plan to ensure you are able to meet your hydration and nutrition needs during Ramadan. We also remind athletes that your performance might be affected while you are fasting, and we hope that you feel empowered to inform your coaches and sport support staff about Ramadan, so that they can offer additional support if needed.

For more information, please contact your CSCM Sport Dietitian.