RFP: Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba & Sport Manitoba
Request for Proposal
The Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba (CSCM) and Sport Manitoba (SM) seek Proposals from qualified consultants interested in assisting it in the development of a High-Performance strategic plan for sport in Manitoba in this Request for Proposal (RFP).
To be accepted, the responding proposal will be accepted in electronic (.pdf) or hard copy format until 16:00 hours, Manitoba local time, March 31, (the “Submission Deadline”) by SM. Proposals must be valid for a minimum 45-day period from the Submission Deadline.
The proposal shall be marked: Request for Proposal – March 2022 High-Performance Sport Strategy
The Proposal can be emailed, mailed or hand-delivered to:
Sheri Barnes
Executive Assistant
145 Pacific Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2Z6
(204) 925-5604
It is solely the Proponent’s responsibility to ensure that the Proposal is received by Sport Manitoba at the designated location prior to the Submission Deadline.
All strategic plan requirements, details, and forms are included in the Request for Proposal.