Keeping Sport Safe – Safe Sport Speaker Series
The Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba and FIT Women and Girls proudly brought together speakers from across Canada for the Keeping Sport Safe – Safe Sport Speaker Series. Originally presented from May 10 – 20, 2021 you heard from experts across the country on the issues facing sport in Canada with respect to Safe Sport initiatives.
All sessions for the Keeping Sport Safe – Safe Sport Speaker Series were held virtually through Zoom. Replays are available below for some sessions.
Topics & Dates:
Understanding the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport
What is the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)? What is its purpose? How will it affect you in your role in sport? In this session you will learn the answers to these questions and much more. It will include reviewing and understanding difficult grey areas such as “what is illegal vs. legal but harmful?” Whether you have never heard of the UCC before or are well-versed, this session will be informative and thought provoking.
Originally presented: May 10, 2021 @ 7PM CST
Replay available. Click session title.
Presented by: Gretchen Kerr
Board Roles
This session takes a look at the impact of Safe Sport on Boards. What is the Board’s responsibility? In reporting issues? In policy? What training does your Board need around Safe Sport? What training does your staff need? Come away with this session with a checklist of things you and your organization can do to fall in line with best practices for Safe Sport.
Originally presented: May 12 @ 7PM CST
Replay available. Click session title.
Presented by: LJ Bartle & Michelle Kropp, Sport Law & Strategy Group
Hiring Practices
Keeping sport safe requires much more than a clear criminal record check. In this session, you will learn key steps and measures to put in place when looking to hire. From the job description, posting location, hiring committee and screening interview questions, you will be given the tools to equip you to hire the best candidate who will be great fit for your organization.
Originally presented: May 13 @ 12PM CST
Replay available. Click session title.
Presented by: Nicole Smith, Lawyer, Pitblado Law
Technology & Social Media
This session delves into the latest trends in dangers of social media and technology. From social media to chat rooms, texts and email, learn what is appropriate, what is not and what may seem like grey areas. Come away with tactical measures to put in place in order to protect yourself as a coach, your athletes and your organization. Also learn how to navigate “healthy touch” and how to use technology and social media as a catalyst to build positive and healthy coach-athlete relationships.
Originally presented: May 17 @ 12PM CST
No replay available.
Presented by: Constable Maria Buduhan #2518 & Patrol Sergeant Sabrina Masi #2542, Winnipeg Police Services
Grey Area Behaviours
Sometimes things may not be as clearly laid out as “appropriate” or “inappropriate” when it comes to safe sport. These “grey area” behaviours and circumstances are the ones with which we need the most help to navigate through. Using concrete examples and case studies, learn how to deal with these situations as a coach, athlete, parent and organization.
Originally presented: May 18 @ 12PM CST
Replay available. Click session title.
Presented by: Sandi Kirby
Child Sexual Abuse – Awareness & Education in Sport
This session is designed to empower coaches and sport professionals with practical information to help enhance child and youth safety. It will increase awareness of the issue of child sexual abuse while highlighting the importance of understanding boundaries, sexual misconduct and reporting inappropriate behaviour. Attendees will learn about resources to available to them and why a child/youth protection lens is so important to safe sport.
Originally presented: May 18 @ 7pm CST
No replay available.
Presented by: Karyn Kibsey, Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Most sport organizations would say that they support diversity, equality and inclusion. However, is it just words? Learn what practical actions and steps you can take to be seen as an organization that welcomes and wants all people. That having a diverse and inclusive sport isn’t just about having a variety of people from different backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles for the sake of it. Believing that diversity and inclusion are what will enhance and grow the organization. Learn what you can do to make your sport or club more welcoming to different groups, not only for athletes and parents but for Board members and staff as well. Leave with a checklist to see where your organization is in terms of DEI and what you can do to improve it.
Originally presented: May 19 @ 12pm CST
Replay available. Click session title.
Presented by: Carolyn Trono, Gololcha Boru, Samira Jahmoun & Ahmed Elahmer
Safe Sport Beyond Policy
Once you have all of your boxes checked off and best practices in place, what else can you do to promote Safe Sport? What type of culture do you need to ensure a safe sport environment? How do you create this culture? How do we get more people to understand what the issues are that face sport in this arena and why is it important? As a parent, what should you look for when choosing a sport or activity for your child? What can administrators and coaches do to discourage “predators” from seeking out their sport/organization? This session tackles these questions and you will feel empowered with the knowledge to make changes to ensure sport is safe for all.
Originally presented: May 20 @ 7PM CST
Replay available. Click session title.
Presented by: Jeff Powell & Sandi Kirby